Tulip Financial Research

Latest Tulip report:

HNW & Ultra HNW Investors Survivors or Casualties May 2009


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Report synopsis 

HNW & Ultra HNW Investors: Survivors or Casulaties: May 2009

In this report Tulip analyses the extent that the rich have seen the value of their wealth fall since the onset of the credit crunch and in the subsequent recession. The report highlights the differences in asset depreciation and in the impact on portfolios of the HNW and Ultra HNW investor and the implication for wealth managers.


The impact of the credit crunch on HNW & Ultra HNW investment ownership & allocation - February 2009

This report looks at how the richest 1% of the population are reacting to the credit crunch, what investment action they have taken and the impact it has had on their asset allocation and their demand for professional advice.

To find out more about the report contact

The impact of green & ethical issues on HNW & ultra HNW investment activities - September 2008



Sizing the £2 trillion HNW & Ultra HNW Investment Markets - August 2008

The new report, Sizing the £2 trillion HNW & Ultra HNW Investment Markets, shows the changes in the distribution of assets amongst the wealthiest 5% of UK adults in the past 5 years. Whereas the liquid assets of the least wealthy half of the population grew by just 30%, those of the top 1% grew by 70%.


Investment expectations of the HNW & Ultra HNW are examined in the report, with a special focus on the growth of wealthy female investors. 

To view contents click here  


High net worth and Ultra high net worth Investment Plans 2008 - April 2008

Investment expectations have shown a dramatic change in the past 6 months, particularly among ultra high net worth investors with average liquid assets of around £7 million.

This report highlights the changes in sentiment and how the impact of the credit crunch is playing out among the UK's richest people


Tulip Reports 2009-
HNW & Ultra HNW Investors Survivors or Casualties
The impact of the credit crunch on HNW & ultra HNW investment ownership & allocation
Tulip Reports 2007-8
The impact of green & ethical issues on HNW & ultra HNW investment activities
HNW & Ultra HNW Bank & Fund Manager Ratings
HNW & Ultra HNW Retirement Income Plans and expectations
Promoting Financial serices to  the wealthy
HNW & Ulra HNW Investment Plans for 2007
The HNW & Ultra HNW Market for Alternative Invetsments
Sizing the £2 trillion HNW & Ultra HNW Investment Plans
HNW & Ultra HNW investment plans for 2008
Tulip Reports 2005-6
HNW & Ultra HNW  Investment Plans 2006
HNW & Ultra HNW  Retirement Income & IHT Planning
HNW & Ultra HNW  Bank and Fund Manager Ratings
Affluential Investors in the UK, Germany & France
The Roleof Property in HNW & Ultra HNW Portfolios
HNW & Ultra HNW  Investors in the UK, France and Germany
Investment Advisers to the Wealthy
Tulip Reports 2001-04
The Tulip UK Banks Report.
The Tulip Fund Manager and Investment Adviser Report.
The Bank Choice and Churn Report.
The Investment Adviser and Fund Manager Choice Report.
Bankers to the Rich - How Britain’s Big Six Banks Perform.
The UK Wealth Banking Futures Report.
The UK Financial Adviser & Investment Futures Report.
Britain’s Millionaires - The Private Investment Powerhouse.
The Nike Factor - Marketing Financial Services to the Wealthy.
The Media Habits of the Rich.
Britain’s HNWs - Their 2004 Expectations & Investment Plans.
The HNW & Ultra HNW Investment Process.
The UK HNW Market for Structured Products.
For further details /Table of Contents of these reports please contact or ring +44(0) 208 944 7510

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